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The Real Estate Market in Nashville TN has changed

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

Real Estate Market in Nashville TN

The real estate industry is changing in more ways than one. With covid and work from home being more prevalent than at any time in history, prices of homes have skyrocketed. This is great for owners and not so good for everyone else looking to buy a home. Also, landlords have been forced to raise rents due to the demand because of the rise in home values. Some landlords are even selling the homes right from under-tenants to capture the crazy appreciation and bidding wars that are happening all over the country with no signs of slowing down. If you were to buy a home just before the Pandemic, you would have seen 30%-50% in home value studies shows. Especially in the Nashville, TN market, where home prices have been rising year over a year.

Are most people being kept out of the real estate market due to Downpayment, Credit, Or Low income? Let's talk about about this.

I'll give my two cents on this particular topic. Here is my perspective as a real estate broker and owner of a Nashville, TN brokerage. I believe that most people don't understand how real estate works along with the home buying process. It's pretty standard and has always been that most people don't study finance or real estate, so the easy thing to do is just rent. I don't knock those people, but I would challenge you to do some research on the last five years of the Nashville and surrounding market home prices, and it will shock you how the same home that was $200,000 in 2016 is now worth $450,000 or more. It's staggering and costly. As most may know, the quickest and easiest way to wealth building is to buy owning a home as a first time home buyer. So why not figure out how to get a piece of the pie and stop letting landlords dictate how you live, how long you live there, and how much you pay to live.

Unlocking HomeOwnership is hidden in plain-sight.

I've dedicated my career as a real estate agent/and broker to helping as many people become homeowners as possible regardless of credit or background. I opened Unique By Design Realty at the beginning of 2019 after practicing real estate now six years. We've partnered with mortgage companies that have in-house first time homebuyer down payment assistance programs locally in Nashville, TN. We have also partnered with a national brand on our Rent To Own Homes Program. You can find a home of your choosing in Nashville, TN, or anywhere in the state of TN and rent the house and purchase it later. You no longer have to wait until you have an excellent credit score to qualify for this program. The program only requires a 580 credit score. It is also different from the traditional "Rent To Own Homes" in that you are allowed to choose to buy the home or not without penalty. So there is no surprise why Unique By Design Realty is growing so much in the Nashville market. We do our best to help people with low credit not become a statistic just because they do not have the credit score to get a mortgage or the down payment as this program only requires two times the rent payment. Our real estate agents are assisting renters in becoming a homeowner daily with this program. The Lease Purchase or Rent To Own Program is unique in opening up the doors to the American dream. Will you be next? Today, please find out how to join the program or repair your credit through our low-cost virtual credit repair and homeownership program.

Start the journey to homeownership here

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